About Us.

ExtraLife was founded in 2016, in an attempt to overcome the painful loss of Elia, a very special child. Our researches during Elia’s illness led us to realise that our modern way of life constantly neglects the correct food pyramid, at times causing many, even severe, diseases. We therefore decided to join forces to create a healthy and flavourful product. Our highly specialised team also includes food technologists and qualified nutritionists.

ExtraLife proudly supports “"La Partita da Vincere"” (The Match to Win), a charity association helping children in need.


Fruit and vegetables are the basis for a healthy and well-balanced diet. The Italian Ministry of Health recommends eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables from five colour families every day.

Our cold pressed ExtraLife extracts help to achieve the recommended daily intake, by integrating the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables with a healthy and 100% natural product.

If you cannot eat it, drink it!


Fruit and vegetables are the basis for a healthy and well-balanced diet. The Italian Ministry of Health recommends eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables from five colour families every day.

Our cold pressed ExtraLife extracts help to achieve the recommended daily intake, by integrating the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables with a healthy and 100% natural product.

If you cannot eat it, drink it!


The Colours of Health.


Green fruit and vegetables are rich in chlorophyll, magnesium and folic acid. They reduce fatigue and stress, and provide nutritional support for the nervous and muscular systems.

Yellow and orange.

Yellow and orange fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamin A, flavonoids and carotenoids. They provide health benefits to the eyes, skin and immune system.

Blue and purple.

Blue and purple fruit and vegetables are rich in anthocyanins, carotenoids and potassium. They protect the urinary tract and blood capillaries and contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system.


Red fruit and vegetables are rich in lycopene and anthocyanins. Both pigments protect heart, bones, teeth and gums. They strengthen memory and improve cognitive functions.


White fruit and vegetables are rich in polyphenols, flavonoids, potassium and selenium. They thin the blood, reduce cholesterol and contribute to the normal functioning of the thyroid.

The Colours of Health.


Green fruit and vegetables are rich in chlorophyll, magnesium and folic acid. They reduce fatigue and stress, and provide nutritional support for the nervous and muscular systems.

Yellow and orange.

Yellow and orange fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamin A, flavonoids and carotenoids. They provide health benefits to the eyes, skin and immune system.

Blue and purple.

Blue and purple fruit and vegetables are rich in anthocyanins, carotenoids and potassium. They protect the urinary tract and blood capillaries and contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system.


Red fruit and vegetables are rich in lycopene and anthocyanins. Both pigments protect heart, bones, teeth and gums. They strengthen memory and improve cognitive functions.


White fruit and vegetables are rich in polyphenols, flavonoids, potassium and selenium. They thin the blood, reduce cholesterol and contribute to the normal functioning of the thyroid.

Contact us!


    ExtraLife-ELi Srl

    Registered Office:
    Piazza XX Settembre 21, 33170 Pordenone PN

    Plant and Administrative Headquarters:
    Via Forgaria, 4 33078 San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)

    +39 0434 870236


    P.Iva 01821510938 REA PN-107238

    POR FESR 2014-2020 – Asse 2 “Promuovere la competitività delle PMI” – Attività 2.1.a.: “Supporto alle nuove realtà imprenditoriali”. – Bando approvato con DGR n. 660 del 19 marzo 2018.
    Progetto: “PRODOTTI Extralife- Benessere a Colori”
    L’Azienda EXTRALIFE - ELI ha realizzato un sistema di produzione di estratti a freddo di frutta e verdura 100% naturale – non pastorizzato, capace di rispondere al nuovo trend salutistico che si sta affermando con domanda esponenziale nel mercato, alla ricerca di nuove soluzioni da fito-nutrienti nell’alimentazione salutistica incentrato sull’alimentazione e sull’integrazione di verdure e frutta per una dieta sana con alimenti “vivi” e per un corpo sano.

    Preventivo ammesso di € 225.009,59
    Contributo concesso di € 100.000,00
    Decreto n° 5661/LAVFORU del 21/05/2019, Prenumero 5977